happily married since 10.18.2008

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hot Yoga

I tried hot yoga for the first time last night at a studio near our home. I was a bit nervous at first, since I'm so out of shape. But after the 90 minute class in a 105F room... I loved it! So quickly, I went ahead and purchased a few items for my new found hobby :)

There are so many different kinds of yoga mats out there, after reading a bunch of reviews, I decided to purchase Jade Harmony Professional Yoga Mat because it's considered to be the best eco-friendly mat:

Since I plan on going straight to the studio after work, I wanted a gym bag that would hold my yoga mat and at the same time, looks like a regular bag I can carry to work. Equinox downstairs is having a sale today, although most of their merchandises are ridiculously overpriced, but with their 30% sale going on...I purchased this Nike Monika Standard Club Bag... it can hold a yoga mat via straps...

As for yoga clothes.. I absolutely love everything at lululemon!


  1. ooh cute! what color mat did you get?

  2. also, if this is "our story," you should get danny to guestblog! yeah! :)

  3. I got the purple mat :) you should come with me! As for guestblogging... he said no :(
