happily married since 10.18.2008

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Time Out

I've been going to hot yoga classes on average about 5x a week this entire month. And after Monday night's class, I've decided to take a week long break. It's not because I'm sick and tired of going to yoga. It's the opposite, I love it so much that I ALWAYS  want to go and it's hurting my knees and lower back :(

I did a lot of research on it and if it's done right, yoga should not cause any pain. So now I will definitely be more aware of my limits and not over exert myself. After all, my body is the only thing that I will carry with me from the moment I was born till my last breath.

It's really been a wonderful month. Yoga really clears my mind. I'm much happier and for that 90 minute, all my focus is on how to position my body. You guys should definitely give yoga a try :) You'd be surprised how magical it is.

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