happily married since 10.18.2008

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hot Yoga

I tried hot yoga for the first time last night at a studio near our home. I was a bit nervous at first, since I'm so out of shape. But after the 90 minute class in a 105F room... I loved it! So quickly, I went ahead and purchased a few items for my new found hobby :)

There are so many different kinds of yoga mats out there, after reading a bunch of reviews, I decided to purchase Jade Harmony Professional Yoga Mat because it's considered to be the best eco-friendly mat:

Since I plan on going straight to the studio after work, I wanted a gym bag that would hold my yoga mat and at the same time, looks like a regular bag I can carry to work. Equinox downstairs is having a sale today, although most of their merchandises are ridiculously overpriced, but with their 30% sale going on...I purchased this Nike Monika Standard Club Bag... it can hold a yoga mat via straps...

As for yoga clothes.. I absolutely love everything at lululemon!

Monday, March 29, 2010

With a Grateful Heart

Yesterday, I visited a near by church for the first time. I had some trouble finding the church so I was really late for the sermon. I arrived toward the end of the sermon frustrated. The pastor was in the middle of telling a story about his professor at seminary school. He said he will always remember this particular professor because he always had a positive attitude and he never said anything negative about anyone. He then dived into more details about how in order for us to remain blameless, we should not blame anyone else.

It was a wake up call for me. I don't know since when, I've become so... negative. Lately, all I have been doing is complain. I am never content anymore. I am so thankful to have visited this church and even though I got lost, became frustrated, and arrived late, God spoken to me. Though, it will be hard, but I will try my hardest to have a positive outlook and to be thankful in every situation.

It's... nice to finally have my grateful heart back :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

4 years

So a few days ago on the train ride going back home, I had an epiphany:

I graduated BC almost 4 years ago
I am turning 26 this September
In another 4 years I'll be 30 years old

This realization was pretty scary. What have I done in these 4 years since graduation? Am I who I wanted to be today?

In terms of my career, without going into the details, I'm stuck at a job that I hate. Though, in this economy, I should be thankful that both Danny and I still have our jobs. I've been at this job for 3 years now, March 5th was my 3rd anniversary at the job. I am in the process of pursuing other opportunities, but nothing is set yet, it's all up in the air. The uncertainty is killing me. Even if these other opportunities work out, I'll be starting from ground zero, it's like I'm going back to being 22 all over again. I feel like a failure.

So people tend to say "oh, at least you are married". Is getting married really an accomplishment? I didn't really work hard or anything on getting married... It just so happens that I found my husband earlier than some of my other friends. I am thankful that I have found Danny and we are married. I am thankful for owning a home at a young age. I am thankful for being employed- hey it pays for the house haha. I am also thankful for having friends and families around me and of course- our two furry pups :) But none of these are things I can claim as an accomplishment... What have I accomplished? Sadly, nothing comes to mind.

I really miss the good old college days. I guess it is time to grow up.