happily married since 10.18.2008

Thursday, April 29, 2010

So Proud

So this is going to sound odd, but I feel like telling the story anyway, so here it goes:

This morning at about 4 a.m., I woke up by ewok's footsteps in the room. I opened my eyes and saw him standing by my side of the bed wagging his tail. He didn't make a sound (Ewok is generally a quiet dog). I thought to myself, he is either being a brat and trying to get attention from us or that he really needs to go potty.

So I got up quickly, and as we are walking to the front door, he was so happy that he started to hop around it almost looked like he was dancing. As soon as I opened the door he ran and peed for the longest time lol and he managed to poop immediately after that.

This may sound weird, but I was soooo proud of him.. and me! That he was communicating his needs to me and I understood his subtle cue even tho the last time he needed to potty in the middle of the night was well over 3 years ago when he was a tiny pup.

Anyhow, I know it's weird, but it made me happy haha

Time Out

I've been going to hot yoga classes on average about 5x a week this entire month. And after Monday night's class, I've decided to take a week long break. It's not because I'm sick and tired of going to yoga. It's the opposite, I love it so much that I ALWAYS  want to go and it's hurting my knees and lower back :(

I did a lot of research on it and if it's done right, yoga should not cause any pain. So now I will definitely be more aware of my limits and not over exert myself. After all, my body is the only thing that I will carry with me from the moment I was born till my last breath.

It's really been a wonderful month. Yoga really clears my mind. I'm much happier and for that 90 minute, all my focus is on how to position my body. You guys should definitely give yoga a try :) You'd be surprised how magical it is.